When the days slowly become shorter and colder again, in addition to the winter cosiness, a few unpleasant side effects all too often creep into our everyday lives. In addition to the almost classic winter cold , this also includes unpleasant tensions caused by the cold.

A seemingly harmless cold neck can quickly lead to persistent back pain because our bodies are not really well adapted to extreme cold. In this article, we will show you how you can get through the winter months with as little tension as possible due to the cold and which home remedies will help.

This is how cold affects muscles etc

Cold can be pretty unforgiving. When we venture outdoors for a refreshing winter walk, we immediately feel how it affects our muscles and our entire organism. But what exactly happens when the cold hits us?

Our muscles, which normally work like well-oiled machines, begin to strain. The cold causes blood vessels to constrict to conserve heat and protect the body from hypothermia.

Direct consequence: Less oxygen and nutrients reach the muscles, making them stiffer and less flexible.

Cold - always harmful and uncomfortable?

Despite these challenges, in some cases it has positive effects on your muscles. The increased strain on the muscles to maintain body temperature promotes blood circulation and therefore has an invigorating element.

Furthermore, targeted cold therapy can help reduce inflammation and pain. It is often used by athletes to treat muscle inflammation and injuries. The cold reduces swelling and slows nerve conduction speed, which can relieve pain.

These factors promote tension in the cold

Hardly anything influences our personal well-being as strongly and directly as the ambient temperature - it is not for nothing that there is a room temperature as a guideline at which we generally feel comfortable.

However, we quickly find deviations uncomfortable. And painful when cold causes neck pain. There are some aspects that can particularly promote their development.

Low temperatures

Cold is the most obvious trigger for tension. When temperatures are low, our muscles contract to retain heat in the body. This leads to increased stiffness and tension, especially in the muscles that are heavily used to maintain body temperature.

Blood flow decreases, which limits the supply of vital nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. The result is muscle pain and discomfort from cold. Adequate protection through warm clothing and targeted warm-up exercises are essential in the cold season to avoid tension.

Air conditioning systems

Paradoxically, artificial heating in heated indoor spaces can lead to tension. Constantly switching between warm indoors and cold outdoor temperatures can force the body to constantly adapt.

A phenomenon that everyone who moves from shop to shop looking for gifts in the pre-Christmas rush should be familiar with. This can cause muscles to tense up to adapt to different conditions.

To prevent this type of tension, it is advisable to dress appropriately, take breaks and do targeted stretching exercises to relax the muscles.


Another factor that promotes tension is drafts. When cold air currents hit the body directly, the muscles react reflexively by clenching to protect themselves from the cold. This leads to tension and discomfort, particularly in the neck and shoulder area.

Lack of exercise

In the cold season, many people tend to move less. The dark, cold days and often slippery roads and paths can lead to us doing fewer outdoor activities. This lack of exercise can lead to muscle tension because there is less strain on the muscles.

It is therefore important to keep moving even in winter, be it through indoor sports, fitness exercises at home or winter outdoor activities such as sledding or skiing. The movement helps to keep the muscles supple and prevent tension.

This helps against tension caused by cold

Cold can undoubtedly be a challenge for our bodies, but it does not necessarily have to lead to tension. There are various measures you can take to counteract these unpleasant side effects of winter and keep your body relaxed and supple.

Warm clothing

Probably the simplest and most effective measure is your choice of clothing. Invest in quality, insulating clothing to protect you from the cold. Layers are particularly helpful because they allow you to adjust depending on the temperature - the onion principle says hello.

Don't forget to keep your hands and feet warm, as they are often the first to suffer from the cold. Gloves, hats and warm socks are essential.

Warm up before activities

Regardless of whether you are doing sports outside or just taking a winter walk, a targeted warm-up is crucial. By doing warm-up exercises that loosen the muscles and increase blood circulation, you prepare your body for the activity ahead. This will prevent the cold from catching your muscles unprepared.

Regular exercise

Winter is no excuse to exercise less. Regular physical activity is crucial to keeping muscles supple. Whether in the gym, at home or outside in nature - find the activities that suit you and keep moving. Active muscles are less susceptible to tension.

Relaxation exercises

In addition to exercise, relaxation exercises are an important part of relieving and preventing tension. Yoga, Tai Chi or targeted stretching exercises can help you relax your muscles and reduce tension. Pay attention to your posture and avoid sitting or standing in unhealthy positions for long periods of time.

Hot water bottle belt

They provide soothing warmth exactly where you need it most on cold days. With a hot water bottle belt you can specifically relax your muscles and promote blood circulation - and also provide relief from tension caused by the cold.

A decisive advantage over classic hot water bottles: If you almost had to stay in bed with them, you can always carry the cozy feeling close to you with hot water bottle belts from Vintage Spirit .


home remedies

If you already suffer from tension, you may already have the right helpers in your pantry:

  • Heat compresses: Place a warm compress or heating pad on the tense areas to relax the muscles.
  • Bath Additives: Add Epsom salt or sea salt to your warm bath to relieve muscle tension.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium supplements can promote muscle relaxation and prevent cramps.
  • Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea has calming properties and can help relieve stress-related tension.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender essential oil in a diffuser or on pillows can aid relaxation.
  • Peppermint oil: Apply peppermint oil to tense areas to promote blood circulation and soothe the muscles.


In a world that is often characterized by hectic pace and stress, we often forget how important mindfulness is when dealing with our bodies. Especially in the winter months, tension caused by cold can quickly become an undesirable side effect of our everyday lives. But with a few simple tips you can effectively counteract them.

Through conscious preparation, regular exercise, relaxation exercises and tried-and-tested home remedies, we can successfully prevent tension caused by cold. Back and muscle pain don't have to become your winter companion.

Instead, you should make a soothing hot water bottle belt from Vintage Spirit. These innovative belts made from upcycled materials are designed to give you mobility and comfort, even when you deal with pain. No matter whether you suffer from a cold neck or feel plagued by annoying menstrual cramps , our hot water bottle belts will help exactly where you need relief.

They provide a comfortable and adjustable heat source to support you in your daily activities. And the best thing: you can simply put on your hot water bottle belt and move freely - this way you can specifically prevent tension caused by the cold, even when you're out and about in everyday life.