Was schenke ich meiner Freundin zum Geburtstag?

What do I get my girlfriend for her birthday? – Ideas & tips

Your girlfriend's birthday is just around the corner and with it the unique opportunity to express your affection, appreciation and love through a carefully selected gift. But often it's not...
10 Geschenkideen für deine Freundin zu Weihnachten

10 gift ideas for your girlfriend for Christmas

The days are getting shorter, the shops smell of gingerbread and the pedestrian zones are brightly lit - a clear sign that Christmas is just around the corner. And at...
Was hilft gegen Bauchkrämpfe - Frau mit Bauchkrämpfen auf dem Sofa

What helps against stomach cramps? Natural methods for relief

Almost everyone has had the chance to make her unwanted acquaintance and women in particular regularly curse her: painful stomach cramps. They not only torment our pain receptors, but can...
Akute Rückenschmerzen - Frau hält sich den Rücken und steht in der Küche

Acute back pain: causes, treatment and tips for pain relief

Acute back pain: causes, treatment and tips for pain relief At times, back pain reminds you of that one unloved relative whose visits you would prefer to avoid: the arrival...
Verbrennungen durch Wärmflasche? Das ist zu beachten

Hot water bottle burns? This is important to note

They are a tried and tested source of comfort for back pain or stomach cramps and a guarantee of pleasant warmth on cold days: hot water bottles. Burns caused by...
Verspannungen durch Kälte? Das kann helfen!

Tension due to cold? This can help!

When the days slowly become shorter and colder again, in addition to the winter cosiness, a few unpleasant side effects all too often creep into our everyday lives. In addition...
Periode auslösen mit Wärmflasche? Unsere Tipps

Start your period with a hot water bottle? Our tips

In a healthy woman's period, women's periods come reliably and regularly. However, often enough at times when we would be happy to do without them. It may well be advisable...
Erholsame Nacht: Tipps und Produkte für besseren Schlaf

Restful night: tips and products for better sleep

Restful night: Sleep better with the right tips and products Anyone who has counted entire flocks of sheep for hours in vain knows what it's like - sleepless nights. Especially...